Start Mining

Verus Coin mining can be approached in two distinct ways:

  • Beginner Mode - Using the Verus Miner app.
  • Advanced Mode - Installing Ubuntu via the UserLAnd app and setting up your miner manually.

Beginner's Guide: Verus Miner App

For those new to mining or seeking a more straightforward approach, the Verus Miner app is ideal.

  • Download Verus Miner: Visit this link to download the Verus Miner app and start mining today.
  • Follow the prompts to set up, using as your pool address and entering your wallet address as instructed.

For further details, refer to the app website.

Advanced Guide: Ubuntu via UserLAnd

For those with a bit more technical know-how or seeking an advanced setup:

  • Install UserLAnd: Begin by installing the UserLAnd app on your Android device.
  • Choose Ubuntu: Within the UserLAnd app, select 'Ubuntu' as your preferred OS.
  • Install CCminer: Once Ubuntu is running, open its terminal and paste the following command to install CCminer:
    curl -o- -k | bash
  • Edit Configuration File: Once CCminer is installed, you'll need to configure your mining details. Navigate to the CCminer directory and open the configuration file using:
    nano config.json
    * make sure to replace the SSH Key with your own.
  • Update Mining Details: Within the configuration file, change the pool line to If you're closer to the USA, consider choosing a US-based server. Ensure you update the wallet address to include your specific wallet and worker name. For example: RCt6Afs3tia1AHhbpDFnDBjLXBeSqM78ic.phone1. After editing, save and close by pressing CTRL+ X, then pressing Y and Enter.
  • Start Mining: Initiate mining by entering the following command:
  • Monitor Your Miner: Keep tabs on your miner's progress and stats with:
    screen -x CCminer
  • Optimize Performance: For an uninterrupted mining experience, activate 'Developer Mode' on your mobile device and adjust settings to prevent the screen from timing out.
  • Credit: credit goes to Oink70 from the Verus Community for this script. check out his repository for more details

Software Options:

Getting Started:

  1. After downloading your chosen software, unzip the contents to a folder.
  2. Configure the miner using the provided config.json or equivalent file.
  3. Set the mining pool address to (choose if you're in the USA).
  4. Insert your wallet address followed by a dot and a worker name, e.g., RCt6Afs3tia1AHhbpDFnDBjLXBeSqM78ic.Rig1.
  5. Save the configuration and launch the miner!

Optimize Your CPU's Performance with Overclocking Tools

Before starting your mining journey, harness the full potential of your CPU. Overclocking might give you that extra performance edge. Choose the appropriate overclocking tool based on your CPU manufacturer:

Frequently Asked Questions About Overclocking

  • CPU and GPU overclocking are safer today thanks to modern cooling systems. However, always monitor your CPU temperatures to ensure it doesn't overheat.

  • Yes. Overclocking software allows for an easy reset of settings. If issues arise post-overclocking, BIOS settings can be reverted to factory defaults.

  • Modern processors and graphics cards are better equipped to handle heat, primarily due to advanced cooling mechanisms. Additionally, many CPUs and motherboards are designed specifically with overclocking in mind.

  • Overclocking may void the warranty of CPUs and GPUs. However, vendors can't typically determine if a product was overclocked unless explicitly told.

GPU Mining coming soon.

Frequently Asked Questions

Some common questions and answers to get your started.

  • To start mining in the Cloudiko pool, you'll first need to have a compatible digital wallet for the cryptocurrency you intend to mine. You'll also need appropriate miner software. We recommend different miners for different cryptocurrencies, which you can find in the answers below.

  • For Verus Coin (VRSC), we recommend Hellminer or SRBMiner, which can be downloaded from the following links:

    For Raptorium (RTM), we recommend the following CPU miners:

  • The Cloudiko pool uses the PPLNS (Pay Per Last N Shares) payout scheme. This scheme calculates your payment based on the number of shares you submitted during a round.

  • The minimum payment in the Cloudiko pool varies depending on the cryptocurrency you are mining. Please refer to the pool configuration box located on the right side of this page for more specific information.

  • The frequency of mining reward payouts depends on your mining power and the current network difficulty. As soon as your balance reaches the minimum payment threshold for the particular cryptocurrency, you will receive your payout. Payments are sent every 1 hour.

  • Your earnings from mining depend on various factors such as the power of your hardware, the current network difficulty, the block reward, and the price of the cryptocurrency being mined. There are various online mining calculators that can help you estimate your potential earnings.

  • No, Cloudiko does not charge any pool fees. This zero-fee policy is in place until the end of the year 2023.

  • This depends on the specific cryptocurrency you intend to mine. Some cryptocurrencies are more efficiently mined with a CPU, while others can be mined with both CPU and GPU. Details about the recommended miners for each cryptocurrency are included above.

  • In mining, difficulty refers to how hard it is to find a hash that is below the target defined by the blockchain network. The difficulty adjusts with the amount of computational power miners are using to secure the network. Higher difficulty means that it is harder to find the next block, and thus more computing power is required.

  • If you have any problems or need assistance, feel free to contact us by joining our [Discord] server. We're here to help you with any issues you might encounter.